Kennedy Space Center Rocket Launch

For an unforgettable experience, watch a live rocket launch from a historic viewing pad at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center.

While planning our visit to the Kennedy Space Center, I checked their calendar for special events. Catching my eye, the “rocket launch” seemed like an opportunity not to pass up. Perfectly, the day we planned on attending the center, there was a launch scheduled! I called and spoke with a ticket agent to help with my booking for the day and launch. This was something I didn’t want to mess up.

kennedy space center rocket launch waiting
While waiting in line next to the rocket garden for the bus transfer, a few of us were able to explore.

Cutting our day a little short at the Kennedy Space Center, we had to line up next to the Rocket Garden and wait for the transfer buses to arrive. The sun was hot and the wait was long. Luckily, to help kill time, a few of us took turns exploring the Rocket Garden. Eventually, we boarded a bus and got another tour of NASA’s grounds on the way to the launch viewing pad.

waiting rocket launch
Waiting for the rocket to launch.

This historic Launch Complex 39 is where Apollo astronauts launched to the moon. The LC-39 Observation Gantry is the closest viewing area to the launch pads.

Arriving at the LC-39, we were surprised to see a full buffet barbecue dinner. So, we loaded our plates and found a seat outside on the viewing bleachers.

kennedy space center rocket launch dinner
Buffet BBQ dinner was provided before viewing the rocket launch at the Kennedy Space Center.

The wait seemed long as the sky went from dusk to pitch black. The bugs were jumping around our legs didn’t help with our wait, but a staff member was kind enough to share bug spray with us.

kennedy space center rocket launch seating
Stadium seating for the rocket launch.

We were grateful we brought binoculars to view the rocket with. Even though our viewing area is the closest location to the launch, it was safely a long distance away.

As it got closer to launch, Live commentary from the launch tower projected over the loudspeakers. It was exciting! Everyone chimed in on the countdown for the launch. The delayed echo of the blast and the ground shaking was a thrilling experience. WE JUST WATCHED A ROCKET LAUNCH FROM NASA! They were putting a satellite into space.

rocket launch
The rocket launch was so incredibly bright. It was impressive!
kennedy center rocket launch view
Rocket launch at the Kennedy Space Center.

Our launch tickets also came with a free souvenir T-shirt commemorating the rocket that was launched. What a deal! A savory dinner, historic show and location, and a souvenir were well worth the extra cost!

kennedy space center night sign
John F Kennedy Space Center sign.

After the launch was complete, we took the transfer buses back to the Space Center. Walking through the well lit and beautifully designed center was another amazing experience. Our family made memories that will forever be embedded, experiencing this bucket-list adventure.


  • Check calendar to make sure the limited rocket launch is available during the time of your visit.
  • Bring binoculars and bug spray!
  • Bring a jacket if visiting during cooler months.
  • Come hungry! The BBQ buffet was delicious and plentiful.

Kennedy Space Center – Rocket Launch

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