The Worlds largest picnic basket

worlds largest basket grab

While driving Hwy 16 on our way to visit Amish country Ohio, a marvel of human engineering appeared on the horizon, a Giant woven picnic basket.

yogi bear picnic basket
© Hanna-Barbera Productions

The kind that would make Yogi bear think he had died and gone to PIC-A-NIK basket haven.

We pulled over to investigate and discovered the world’s largest basket is also the 7-story corporate headquarters of the Longaberger Basket Company. The Longaberger company had the building built back in 1997 just before sales annual sales peaked at $1billion peak. Yes, a billion-dollar basket company!

worlds largest basket
The world’s biggest basket looms on the horizon
worlds largest basket angle
Getting those bigger than life, forced perspective shots means getting in some awkward positions.

We stayed long enough to get a few fun shots and we were back on the road. After all, its just a big building disguised as a basket.


  • Don’t plan this stop, seriously its fun if you’re driving by, but why would you go out of your way to visit a building that looks like a giant basket? If you’re someone that would, please explain in the comments below.
  • Finding it with Google Maps: Longaberger Corporate Office
  • The company has recently filed bankruptcy, so who knows what will become of this roadside attraction.

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